266 Orange Avenue, Coronado, CA 619-435-4121

3 Dramatic Coronado Style Exits for Your Wedding

Posted 10 years ago

Either from your ceremony or as you bid final goodbyes at your reception, you will want to exit in style. While a limo is always an option, take advantage of one of these unique Coronado getaway vehicles.

Gondola Ride

The ultimate romantic getaway, you will feel like you were transported to Venice as you glide away from your reception. If you are looking for a little time to relax and enjoy the final moments of your wedding day before retiring, take advantage of an enchanting tour through the canals of Coronado. Make sure to pack a few beverages and appetizers to enjoy if you choose to enjoy the tour.  

Beach Buggy

Few things could be more iconic of an island affair than a beach buggy! Enjoy the warm night air and island decorations as you head out. If you are worried about guests making it home safely after your event, consider hiring them for the entire party. Shuttling guests to and from the hotel makes for easy traveling.

Jet Boat

Any husband would be more than stoked to rev those engines as you speed off from your reception. What a memorable exit! In fact there are multiple different options, not just a jet boat, to rent in Coronado. More info here


Coronado is a magical destination for your wedding, and your exit should have the same flair.

If you are looking to skip providing transportation for the guests, consider a local hotel. The Coronado Inn is central to all the top reception venues in Coronado. In many cases it’s easy walking distance, making sure everyone gets home safely.