266 Orange Avenue, Coronado, CA 619-435-4121

3 Reasons You Need to Visit Coronado Now

Posted 9 years, 8 months ago

We’re pretty sure we don’t have to twist your arm to visit Coronado. With the  reputation for being paradise, why wouldn’t you want to visit? With the summer season already started, we wanted to remind you the top 3 reasons you should be in Coronado right now:

1) Beach Lounging

If beach lounging were an Olympic sport, we would have multitudes of gold medals under our belt. From hurdle jumping over tourists to juggling beach bags, we do it better than anyone. Not to mention the sheer dedication one must have to removing all stress from your day. Relaxation is an acquired skill.

Our recommended tactics:

  • Lose yourself in a book;
  • The classic beach snooze;
  • Long walks on the beach.

And, the summer season is our Super Bowl! Warm water temperatures. Longer days. More sunshine all around. This is the ultimate combination for our extreme beach lounging athletes.

We will still submit this sport for consideration to the 2016 games in Brazil. Until then, lounge on! 

2) Weather

There’s not even a competition here. San Diego just takes the gold hands down.

  • 265 days of pure sunshine;
  • 70-degree temperature year-round.

How could anywhere else compete? Other envious cities even make fun of our weathermen, stating they have the easiest job around. We’re not going to comment on that… but perfect is pretty predictable around here. 

3) Summer Concert Series

Coronado goes all out for festivities in the summer time! So if you like free music, picnics in the park and good times, this is your season. This eclectic line-up caters to all music tastes. From country to Journey tributes to the United States Marine Band, there is a concert with your name on it.

No matter your musical preferences, the experience itself is worthy of your afternoon. We give no promises, but dancing and other shenanigans typically ensue at these small town concerts.


Coming up with reasons to visit Coronado isn’t even a challenge. We could go on and on, but we’re sure you get the idea. Coronado is the place to be this summer.

If you haven’t booked your summer getaway, consider the Coronado Inn. As the best value around, we strive to make your vacation the most memorable one ever! Not to mention we can help give you the competitive edge when it comes to beach lounging. It’s a serious sport around here.